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By Brice Wheeler 14 Apr, 2020
Winter’s coming and you’ve hauled, gathered and split a big stack of firewood – now what? Stacking firewood properly is the next crucial step in the process. Keep reading to learn the best ways to store firewood so it will dry, season and remain protected all year. The Best Way to Store Firewood Properly stacked firewood doesn’t just look nice. When you stack firewood neatly, it stays dry, seasons better over time and discourages any critters looking for a new home. And well-seasoned firewood burns more efficiently and brightly. Materials Gardening or work gloves Plastic bin for kindling Plastic tarp Optional: Wooden pallet or storage rack Planning Your Woodpile Evaluate your firewood before you start stacking. Note how much variation in size and shape you have and split any large logs if necessary. Sort very small pieces into a plastic bin for kindling and store it in a cool dry space. Sort the rest of your wood into small, medium and large pieces. If you don’t have a firewood rack or convenient dry shed, there are a few inexpensive solutions to keep your pile neat and stable: Build a simple firewood storage rack following Mr. Handyman’s guide. Put down a pallet to keep the wood off the ground. Tree supports: Look around your property for two trees that can serve as bookends to your firewood stack. This can be a good short-term solution, although over time it might damage the bark on your trees. Wood end-pillars: Use the firewood you already have. Look for very flat uniform pieces. Build two pillars a few yards apart by layering wood in a square shape then repeating the same in the crosscutting direction for the next layer. Pack tightly. How to Stack Firewood Outdoors Now that you have chosen a method of stabilizing your wood pile, begin stacking the firewood. Place split pieces bark-side up to protect against moisture. Start by stacking the smallest pieces on one end of your pile. These are the pieces you’ll burn first with each fire. Stack medium pieces next to these. End with the largest pieces at the far end of the pile. Now, when you build a fire, you can work from one end of the pile to the other in layers. Leave enough space between multiple stacks of firewood for air to travel through. The irregular shape of the split wood will help everything season. If your wood isn’t in a shed, cover it with a plastic tarp between uses. Only cover the top third of the pile to allow the wood to breathe and air to circulate. Using Your Outdoor Wood Pile If you love wood fires and want to invest in more long-term storage solutions, Mr. Handyman can help you build a wood shed or storage rack. Call (877) 685-1377 or make an appointment online today. Now that you have stacked your firewood, it’s time to enjoy fires all season long. Dreaming of s’mores? Build the perfect outdoor firepit with help from The Grounds Guys, another trusted brand part of the Neighborly network.
By Brice Wheeler 14 Apr, 2020
The new season is a great reason to make and keep resolutions. Whether it’s eating right or cleaning out the garage, here are some tips for making and keeping resolutions.
By Brice Wheeler 14 Apr, 2020
There are so many good reasons to communicate with site visitors. Tell them about sales and new products or update them with tips and information.
By Brice Wheeler 14 Apr, 2020
Write about something you know. If you don’t know much about a specific topic that will interest your readers, invite an expert to write about it.
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